hmac-sha1 0.2.2

A simple wrapper around the RustCrypto hmac and sha1 crates for simple HMAC-SHA1 generation.

Rust-HMAC-SHA1 version

A simple wrapper around the RustCrypto hmac and sha1 crates for simple HMAC-SHA1 generation.

Functionality Note

As the crate is now a thin wrapper around RustCrypto, please note that this crate can be replaced with the following code:

use sha1::Sha1;
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};

pub fn main() {

    // Create the hasher with the key. We can use expect for Hmac algorithms as they allow arbitrary key sizes.
    let mut hasher: Hmac<Sha1> = Mac::new_from_slice(key) .expect("HMAC algoritms can take keys of any size");

    // hash the message

    // finalize the hash and convert to a static array
    let hmac: [u8;20] = hasher.finalize().into_bytes().into()



To import rust-hmac-sha1 add the following to your Cargo.toml:

hmac-sha1 = "^0.2"

To use rust-hmac-sha1, simply use the single provided function:

let hmac_digest: [u8; hmac_sha1::SHA1_DIGEST_BYTES] = hmac_sha1::hmac_sha1(key, message);


Any contributions are welcome.

This was implemented as a learning experience - an implementation for hmac-sha1 from just a SHA1 hasher is included in 0.1.x versions.


This crate is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.

This crate also depends on the RustCrypto Project to provide the underlying cryptographic implementations. These crates are dual licensed under MIT and Apache-2.0.